The musty smell in the trash can is an important matter that everyone should take care of and pay attention to because if you let your house smell from the trash can and do not dispose of the trash properly, over time the atmosphere in your home may become unlivable. Getting rid of the smell will help your house become cleaner and tidier, and it will also help reduce the amount of trash very well.

If anyone is facing the problem of a house smelling bad and has checked and found that the main culprit is the trash cans located in various places in the house, in this article, ยูฟ่าเบท will share techniques to reduce musty smells from can To get rid of the stench that accumulates in the trash can directly, along with sharing easy ways to reduce waste that anyone can follow, what interesting things will there be? Let’s take a look.
Open the doors and windows to ventilate: Many people close their homes or rooms to turn on the air conditioner all day and night, causing the air in the house to not circulate, causing various smells, including the smell from garbage to circulate in the house, not being blown away by the wind. Opening windows or doors to let in some wind from outside. Will help the air circulate, making it easier to breathe, and also blowing away musty smells, humidity, and mold.
Lemon peel: Lemons are not just a flavor enhancer for food. The peel and core of the lemon can be used to effectively eliminate bad odors. Simply dry the peel and core of the used lemon in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, then place them at the bottom of the trash can to eliminate bad odors, germs, and bacteria directly.
If you don’t know how to dry food, we recommend ordering dried lemon peels from a store or a local market to increase convenience and save time in preparing ingredients. This is suitable for new housewives. Who are not good at handling ingredients and want to get rid of bad smells quickly.
Orange peel: In addition to lemon peel, citrus fruits such as oranges are another ingredient that can help eliminate bad odors very well. Simply place the undried orange peels in the trash can. The smell and acid from the orange peels. Will help eliminate bad odors, kill germs, and add a fresh scent to the house without having to spend money on fragrances. This is perfect for those who want to save money and have the atmosphere in their home filled with natural fragrances.
Newspaper: If your house already receives daily newspapers, after reading them, don’t throw them in the trash. Because newspaper can help absorb the smell from garbage. Just put newspaper at the bottom of the garbage bag before putting it in the trash. Just like that, you won’t have to worry about the annoying garbage smell anymore.
Plants can also help absorb odors: Many plants and flowers can help absorb unpleasant odors. But if you want to get rid of the smell from garbage. Lilies are said to absorb musty and foul odors. They also help your home or office smell fresh. In addition, lilies are plants that have been certified by NASA to absorb harmful chemicals such as Benzene. Which causes dizziness if inhaled in large amounts, and Formaldehyde, which is a cancer-causing substance.
Garbage that has been fermenting for a long time will make the odor worse. What you should do is to take out the garbage in the trash can every day. And clean the trash can at least once a week. You can wash it with a detergent or warm water mixed. With vinegar and use a brush to scrub both the inside and outside until clean. Then put it out in the sun to dry. This will help reduce both the accumulated odor and germs that come with the garbage. And you should put the trash can on a garbage bag. Or black bag before throwing it away every time to prevent stains from garbage and garbage water. The garbage bag also helps us to throw away the garbage more easily.